Widgets in a PyQT Tutorial


This part tutorial will help you to learn how to create widgets with the help of Python. Using widgets allows you to have an application that looks nice. They also allow you to display information such as text and images. They are also extremely flexible and you can use them to create any type of application that you can dream up.


A menu bar is a tool that displays various items in a software application. You can use this tool to create menus and link menu buttons to functions. You can also add shortcuts and status tips to the menu bar. This PyQT tutorial will teach you how to build menu bars using Python.

QMenuBar is an extension of the QMenu class. It emits an action signal when a menu item is clicked or selected. It is necessary to own QMenu before using QMenuBar. QMenuBar can connect multiple menu items to a single slot. QMenuBar can be used in conjunction with QAction.triggered() and hovered() methods to create a custom menu bar.


The toolbar class in PyQT allows you to easily create a toolbar and widgets for it. It has methods for setting the size of the icon, adding and removing widgets, and resizing the toolbar. You can also move the toolbar between toolbar areas on the main window. This can be done by calling the set movable() method, which allows you to set the toolbar area to the top, left, or right.

toolbar objects are children of QMainWindow, which is the class where the window is located. Its children can use QWidgetAction to create widgets.


QTab is a widget that allows you to display multiple inputs on one screen. For example, in a text editor, a tab widget can be used to add three labels and a line editor. You can switch between these two types of inputs by using the move() method.

You can also use QTab widgets to display different pages in a program. It is possible to display as many as nine tabs on a single screen and use them to display the information you need in different sections of the program. QTab widgets can be added to any window or layout and have any number of tabs. The example below shows how to add a tab to a pyqt window. The user can then navigate from one page to another by clicking on the tab or by using the Alt + letter shortcut.


The QHBoxLayout class is a powerful tool for laying out widgets vertically. It divides the parent widget into boxes and places child widgets in sequential order from left to right, adding a horizontal spacer between them. It also allows you to customize the width, height, and stretching factor of your widgets.

To implement a QHBoxLayout, you must use a QHBoxLayout object. This object is created on line 25 and holds the widgets. A QStackedLayout object represents multiple pages, and a QHBoxLayout object contains multiple widgets. You can select a page to display with a single click on a widget’s tab.


PyQt is a cross-platform Python library for developing GUI applications. It uses the Qt toolkit to provide a variety of GUI functionality and is free to use. PyQt has been in development since 1999 and the latest version was released in October of 2021. The tutorial covers everything from the basics to fully functional GUI applications.

The QtNetwork module of PyQt provides a number of functions and methods that you can use. The QNetworkAccessManager class is used to send and receive network requests. A QNetworkRequest object holds the request and a QNetworkReply object holds the response data. The network access manager has an asynchronous API. This means that methods will always return without waiting for the request to complete. If a request does not completed, the method will continue to work and the response will be handled in a method attached to the finished signal.


This PyQt tutorial will teach you how to integrate Python code with the QtWebKit framework. Using this framework, you’ll be able to build cross-platform GUI applications. QtWebKit comes with a port for the WebKit browser engine, which means that it can render cross-platform web pages.

This toolkit allows you to easily create desktop software with a wide range of widgets. You can use widgets such as buttons, input fields, and combo boxes, to create the interface that you need. It also comes with a review.

QtSql module

The QtSql module in PyQt is a powerful tool for SQL programming. Its Model-View architecture makes it easier to write data manipulation code, and it reduces the possibility of errors. The QSqlTableModel object connects to the contacts table in the database and sets its edit strategy to OnFieldChange, which allows the model to update the database whenever the user changes the data. Lines 21-24 define user-friendly labels for the headers of the table.

The database connection is set up with the driver and database name. The database connection is a simple interface that provides access to the database using any database driver that supports SQL. It is easy to create your own database driver by extending the QSqlDatabase class. The connection’s properties can be set using its methods: open() and close().