How to Wash Polyester


Polyester is a durable fabric that’s colorfast and easy to care for. It doesn’t need special laundry detergents or stain removers but requires careful washing and drying.

The best way to care for your favorite polyester items is to hand wash them if possible. This will help preserve their shape and quality and keep them looking brand new.

Check the Care Label

Before you wash your polyester clothes, check the care label to ensure it’s suitable for machine washing. Some items must be hand passed to protect the quality, but most can go in the washing machine if you use a gentle detergent and set the temperature to low or cold.

The care label will also tell you whether the item can be ironed or dry cleaned, which is essential for keeping your garments looking their best.

Most polyester care labels recommend machine washing on a standard setting and using a detergent free of bleach or fabric softener. This will ensure your clothes don’t fade and keep them in tip-top shape.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a standard cleaning product effective at disinfecting surfaces and fabrics. It is safe to use on a variety of clothing types.

However, it can cause yellowish stains when left on clothes for a long time. That’s why removing stains is essential as soon as they occur.

The best way to avoid that is by using a mild concentration of hydrogen peroxide, which will not bleach your polyester clothes.

But you should be aware that a high concentration can leave yellowish stains, so it is best to start small and increase the strength as needed.

If you are still having trouble removing the stain, try baking soda. Baking soda can easily be mixed with water to make a solution and rubbed on the fabric for at least 45 minutes. Then, wash the garment as usual. It should remove the stain and leave your garments looking new again!

Baking Soda

Using baking soda to whiten polyester can be an effective way to brighten your fabrics. It also neutralizes odors and can remove stubborn stains.

However, using baking soda in moderation is essential as overuse can fade organic fabrics such as cashmere wool and silk. Some dyes can also react negatively to baking soda, causing their vibrancy loss.

Baking soda is a leavening agent. It makes baked goods rise by releasing tiny bubbles of carbon dioxide gas as it mixes with water and acidic ingredients like buttermilk or lemon juice.

Sodium bicarbonate is a crucial ingredient in baking soda. In contrast, baking powder is a combination of sodium bicarbonate with a bit of an acidic agent, such as cream of tartar or cornstarch. Both leavening agents make dough or batter softer, but baking soda has the advantage of producing gas quickly, so it can be used to create swiftly quick bread, pancakes, and other baked goods.

Dish Soap

One of the best ways to remove oil stains from polyester is dish soap. If you use a grease-fighting detergent (Dawn, for example) that doesn’t contain bleach, this stain-removal method will do the trick.

A quick squirt of dish soap applied directly to the stained area will saturate the fabric with the grease-fighting agent and help to lift the stain out of the fibers. Allow it to soak in for 10 minutes before washing the garment.

Follow the recommended laundry instructions on the item’s care label for the best results. This will ensure your polyester clothing remains fresh and stains are removed to their tiniest bits.