Imovane Without a Prescription


Zimovane is a class C controlled medicine. Get the Best information about Imovane utan recept.

Rarely have people taken medication that caused them to act while not fully awake – this may include driving their car or engaging in potentially risky activities like performing surgery.

Notify your doctor and pharmacist of all medications taken, both prescription and nonprescription, such as herbal remedies and supplements.

What is imovane?

Imovane is a prescription medicine containing the active ingredient zopiclone that is commonly used to treat insomnia. It’s available by valid prescription only and should be taken according to your physician’s directions; not everyone may tolerate taking Imovane without experiencing serious adverse side effects, so any preexisting conditions must be disclosed before starting this medication regimen.

Before taking Zopiclone during pregnancy or planning to become pregnant, your physician must be informed. Zopiclone is a type of cyclopyrrolone medication used as a sedative and hypnotic; binding to and inhibiting GABA activity leads to sleepiness and muscle relaxation, similar to how benzodiazepines act but with fewer side-effects and interactions than these other drugs.

This medication should only be taken as prescribed by your doctor and at bedtime, but this could vary. Your physician can give guidance as to the dosage that’s right for you. Overdosage could become habit-forming so use only as instructed.

Store it at room temperature, away from sunlight and moisture, out of reach of children, and out of direct sunlight. Furthermore, it should be taken at least 12 hours post-dose before driving or operating machinery as this medication could impair judgment and memory.

Zopiclone can interact with other medications, so it is best to try and limit interactions if possible. You should inform your physician of any other medicines you take as taking this one can exacerbate side effects further. Furthermore, alcohol should not be consumed while on this regimen as doing so could worsen them further.

This leaflet provides some of the key information about Imovane; however, it should not be considered comprehensive; please speak with your healthcare provider or pharmacist for more details.


If you take this medication, follow its directions exactly. Do not alter your dose, take more often or for a longer duration than prescribed by your physician. Informing them if daytime drowsiness occurs can negatively impact driving or operating machinery safely; additionally, alcohol or medications that make you sleepy shouldn’t be combined with it to increase drowsiness further; when standing from sitting or lying positions take extra caution as rushing up may increase risk of falls.

Imovane contains the active ingredient zopiclone, which belongs to a group of drugs known as cyclopyrrolones. As a short-acting hypnotic agent, it works by increasing certain chemicals within your brain to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer – this medication is commonly used for treating insomnia, which causes difficulty sleeping through the night.

Children under 18 should only take this medication if directed by their physician, while pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should avoid it as it could worsen pregnancy and lactation issues, or mask symptoms of depression altogether. Furthermore, this medication may worsen symptoms or mask signs of depression altogether if taken.

Before prescribing this medication, your physician must evaluate your health thoroughly and assess any liver or kidney disorders you have. If there are issues, your physician may reduce the dosage or recommend alternative therapies.

Combining this drug with other CNS depressants (such as opioids) may lead to profound sedation, respiratory depression, coma, and death. If this medication must be combined with another drug, your physician should prescribe the lowest effective dosage and duration.

People with a history of complex sleep-related behaviors such as sleepwalking should avoid taking this medication, as its use has been reported to result in sleepwalking or “sleep driving”. Such incidents have also been observed after taking sedative-hypnotics while not fully awake and not remembering what occurred afterward. Furthermore, taking both CNS depressants and alcohol concurrently increases risk.

Side effects

Side effects are any unwanted reactions to medication taken at a prescribed dosage. Side effects may range from minor to serious and temporary or permanent – so it is essential that any time any side effects appear, you notify your physician so they can monitor or treat as necessary. Many drugs cause side effects; when taken at proper doses they should usually not be serious; some can even be fatal; it’s essential that if any arise they be reported immediately as it will ensure optimal care is administered in treating them effectively.

This drug may lead to thoughts of suicide or mood changes; any changes should be reported immediately to your physician, particularly if similar thoughts have occurred in the past or family members have had similar ones. Also, report any changes in behavior.

Zopiclone should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you become pregnant while taking this medication, notify your healthcare provider immediately. Additionally, its effects are unknown on newborns or breast-fed infants.

Take this medication exactly as instructed by your doctor. Do not increase or decrease the dosage without first consulting your physician. Typically adults take one tablet before bedtime unless otherwise directed by their physician; however, your physician may have prescribed different doses specifically tailored to you. Do not use this medication if you are over 65 years of age, have liver or kidney conditions, or taking other medications such as diuretics.

Drinking alcohol while taking certain medications may worsen certain side effects. If you are unsure whether alcohol will interact with this medication, speak with your physician.

This medication may cause extreme drowsiness upon first taking, so be careful if driving or operating machinery after taking this drug is an option. Also, be careful when sitting or lying down shortly after taking this medicine as you could suffer a fall and be seriously hurt.

Some individuals have developed an addiction to this medication over time and without tapering off gradually, leading them to need larger doses, experiencing withdrawal symptoms when stopping it abruptly and craving alcohol or drugs more than anticipated. It’s more likely to happen if they’ve used other sleep aids before.


Imovane may make you sleepy during the day. If this happens to you, talk to your physician as they can suggest ways to overcome any drowsiness that occurs as a side effect of this medication.

Do not take this medicine if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as it could pass into breast milk and harm your baby. Furthermore, this medicine should not be given to children or adolescents under 18 years old and those suffering from liver or kidney conditions should consult their physician before starting this medication as their dose will need to be adjusted accordingly.

Alcohol may reduce the effectiveness of your medication and increase its side effects, including drowsiness and dizziness. If you’re uncertain about drinking while on this medication, speak to your physician.

This medication should only be taken for short-term use, usually 2-4 weeks at most, as long-term usage can lead to dependence and withdrawal symptoms.

Whenever discontinuing medication, it’s essential that it be done gradually or else withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea and sweating can occur. Though such withdrawal symptoms usually are not serious, they should still be addressed by your healthcare provider immediately.

Inform your doctor immediately if you have ever been addicted to alcohol or any drug/medicine; have mental health conditions; or have experienced trauma that could impact how Imovane affects you. These factors could alter its efficacy for you.

Elderly people may be especially sensitive to the side effects of medication. Over-sedation may lead to accidents or falls, and may even cause you not to remember what occurred later (anterograde amnesia).

Before taking any new medicine – including vitamins or supplements – always consult your physician first. This is especially important if taking potency CYP3A4 inhibitors such as ketoconazole or itraconazole to treat fungal infections, which could interact with this medicine.

If you require a general anesthetic for surgery, inform both your surgeon and dentist of Imovane being taken. It may cause you to become drowsy during the operation and reduce your ability to respond when questions are posed during it.