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How to Fix a Clogged Sink

If your sink is clogged, there are several ways to fix it. Before calling the plumber, you can use a plunger to push the clog out. Another option is to use a drain snake. Baking…

How to Use Fix-a-Flat

Learn how to use Fix-a-Flat, a one-use tire sealant in a can. This product is made up of a tire sealant and compressed air and can be used to repair a flat tire. While this product…

How to Patch a Hole in the Wall

Using self-adhesive patch kits or drywall tape can help you patch a hole in a wall. You can also repaint damaged drywall. Using a medium-sized paintbrush is a great way to ensure a…

How to Fix a Scrubbed DVD

There are a variety of ways to fix a scratched DVD. You can try cleaning your DVD drive, air drying the disc, or using a high-end disc resurfacing machine. If none of these methods…

Pros and Cons of the UC Browser App

UC Browser is a mobile web browser created by UCWeb, a subsidiary of the Alibaba Group. It is the most popular browser in China and India and currently holds 0.86% of the world's…

5 Ways to Use the Google Phone Locator

A Google account is the prerequisite for using the google phone locator. In addition, the device must be locked. This can be done by setting up the lock on the device and setting a…

How to Enroll in BPI Mobile Banking

With BPI mobile banking, you can manage your accounts online, make real-time transfers, and schedule transfers. There are different ways to enrol, too. If you don't have an…